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Laura Stonitsch

My Story

I started writing poetry 20 years ago. I broke my right leg playing soccer one weekend, and the following weekend I fell down a flight of stairs and broke my left arm. I was in a wheelchair. After some physical therapy, the doctor told me he needed to re-break my leg. He straightened it because it had healed, bent inward. He also lengthened it as I had broken it at the growth plate. When I was in the hospital with an Ilizarov on my femur I received a gift from my grandparents that would change my life: a book of Christian poems. They comforted me in ways that penetrated the depths of my soul and allowed tears to flow and the cries of my heart to be heard so I could heal. Then, I asked God to give me the ability to write poetry.

In high school and college, I wrote many poems to help me process the difficult times I went through. During the last 10 years, I have written hundreds of poems. Writing has brought healing to me, and I have seen it bring joy and healing to others! As I continue to write, I give God all the glory!

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